Radicchio Rosso di Treviso IGP
Precoce has quite an impressive form and requires less manual work than its bigger brother.It holds its own for its culinary versatility and appearance, so much so that it is the centerpiece of many traditional recipes and creative preparations worthy of great chefs.
The harvest begins on the first of September and, unlike the Tardivo, this variety ripens in the open field after the leaves are tied with a rubber band and held shut, without light, for 15-20 days.

Slightly bitter tasting leaves with a mildly crunchy texture.
The leaves have a very pronounced primary “veins” system, white in color that branches out into many small “capillaries” in the red foliar flap significantly developed.
Large tuft, elongated, tightly closed, accompanied by a modest portion of the root.

The cultivation of the Tardivo Red Radicchio of Treviso PGI is possible only in 24 municipalities in the Veneto region, 17 in the province of Treviso, 5 in the province of Venice and 2 in that of Padua. The area of production, processing and packaging of the Belated Red Radicchio of Treviso includes the entire administrative territory of the municipalities listed below (as part of the provinces of Treviso, Padua and Venice). Province of Treviso: Carbonera, Casale sul Sile, Casier, Istrana, Mogliano Veneto, Morgano, Paese, Ponzano Veneto, Preganziol, Quinto di Treviso, Silea, Spresiano, Trevignano, Treviso, Vedelago, Villorba, Zero Branco. Province of Padua, Piombino Dese, Trebaseleghe. Province of Venice: Martellago, Mirano, Noale, Salzano, Scorzè. The production is then placed in a flat area of the Central Region of Veneto, characterized by hot summers and rather rigid winters that influence deeply the lifecycle of the plant. The soils are fertile and rich in water, it is in fact the area crossed by the so-called “line of springs” that divides the high from the low flat lands.
Here the pure groundwater traveling downstream from the Dolomites and flowing underground beneath a gravel mattress, encountering less permeable layers such as clay, tend to rise to the surface spontaneously giving rise to different waterways. The most important is the Sile, whose wetland-cradle of an extraordinary ecosystem-is protected by the Regional Park. The abundance of pure water is a vital element in the production process of Red Radicchio of Treviso PGI. The “Strada del Radicchio Rosso di Treviso and Variegato di Castelfranco” (The Road of Treviso Red Radicchio and Castelfranco Variegated), through the association bearing the same name, is involved in promoting the radicchio territory and to have known touristic and cultural peculiarities through routes that lead to the discovery of medieval castles like those of Noale and Castelfranco Veneto, artistic works such as Giorgione, Lorenzo Lotto, Tiziano, Venetian Villas such as Palladio’s Villa Elmo and art cities such as Treviso.

It starts from the seed


September and October in the field

Toy Soldiers


Cleaning in the field
